Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Rubber Party @ Folsom Europe – TONIGHT SEPT 13, 21pm @ SCHEUNE!

SCHEUNE Motzstraße 25, Berlin

The German Rubbermen, invite you to the traditional RUBBER PARTY in Berlin's cult fetish bar, the Scheune. From 9 p.m. onwards you can get together again, wet and happy. Whether upstairs at the bar or in the play cellar :-) DRESS CODE: RUBBER ONLY!

BLUE HOUR I — Fr 13.9. 17:00 bis 20:00 – Fetish Cocktail

Hotel Berlin, Berlin, a member of Radisson Individuals Lützowpl. 17, Berlin

Hotel Berlin, Berlin “LÜTZE Bar” – Lützowplatz 17 – 10785 Berlin More then 200 Leather and Fetish men were joining our first BLUE HOUR event during EASTER this year! Also during FOLSOM EUROPE MaleSpace will be offering you this big Fetish Cocktail in cooperation with BLF e.V., Xperienceand BLUF BERLIN. Open to all! Come by […]

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